Our Services

Strategy Analysis

60 minute Strategy Sessions include but are not limited to:

  • Why having a strategy/plan is a must
  • Shot description and goals
  • Shot selection and placement
  • Court positioning
  • Partner roles
  • Back to basic/solid foundation
  • Warm ups and Time outs
  • Discovering opposing team strengths/weaknesses

From $60 for private session and $90 for team session per hour

Video Analysis

Let us video you or your team in action.  Our two (2) camera match video session allows us to video your match from the baseline and at the kitchen.  From these two angles we will be able to identify strengths and weaknesses in your game. After videoing the match we will review and provide feed back on what you can continue to strengthen and issues that need to be addressed so that you can take your game to the next level.

From $65 for one match per player or $100 for a two person team

Tournament Coaching/Prep

Are you looking for support and direction during those tough tournament matches when you need it the most?

If so let us work with you to prepare you for that big tournament and have us attend the event and provide you with strategy advice/tips before, during and after the match.  With Strategic Pickleball on your side at the event we can see things that you can not provide instant feedback to either strengthen your game plan or try a different approach.  The pros have coaches supporting them for a reason. Let us do the same for you!


Starting at $50 per match